The Bridal Walk

shared by Suzin McNeill

And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughters of Jerusalem.


As the Morning Sun Shines


Suddenly will I come to the daughters of Zion and they will see Me as I AM. I will fill their ears with My words and their mouths will utter My words in power. Handmaidens, you have been called forth for this very season. I will open your hearts and you will announce as My glory comes upon My people. It is YOUR due season. Your walk before Me will become more heavenly than earthly, and your words spoken will severely cut the flesh of all who hear, for they will be My words. Fear not, nor be dismayed by the faces of others or their acceptance of the words you shall speak as I open your mouths. Fear not the reproach of men for My hand shall stay upon you, even as My hand followed Moses in signs and wonders.

There will be persecutions for the words you deliver but, great will be your reward. You have been silent for too long and NOW, My Holy Spirit shall bring forth gifts out of My treasury that the church and the church world have never seen. These latter days will be greater than the former days. You will bring forth My announcements followed by great signs and wonders.

As a mother accompanies her daughter in preparing her trousseau so shall you accompany my bride with the wisdom of My Holy Spirit. Your bridal trousseau is honesty, a meek spirit, humility, holiness, intimacy with Me, and obedience unto My will. You will groom one another and you will be groomed in serving. In your purification you shall have six months with oil of myrrh, (praying in the Holy Spirit, obedience, consecration, travail, and dying) and six months with sweet odorous, and with other things for the purifying of the women; (praise, seeking, and serving in preparations.)

You will dress in the modest apparel of your gifts.
You will strengthen the many different areas of each other from your point of strength. I have designed you for very specific works. Some will remove spots of flesh while some shall sow pearls. Some will bring the fragrance of high praises, while some will visit kings. Some will guide children while some will travail in birthing. All will reach unto the lowly and broken. Each gifting is for the whole body and will serve all as one. You will be known by your love as you serve one another in serving Me. You will walk towards one goal, My altar, where I will raise you and call you My jewels. Know you not that you are betrothed to Me? You must accept My name as your own to stand in oneness with Me. In this oneness, you are My jewels .. My bride, hidden from the eyes of the world, kept for this special season. Your dowry is much more than any earthly father could pay. Your dowry is the cross, paid in full by My Son JESUS. Who can exalt themselves and their own ministries above this great calling?   7-6-2006

Divine Lordship is not a threat; rather it’s the place of greatest safety.
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