The Most Unlikely Vessels

by Suzin Mc Neill
says, The LORD of Hosts: Let your hands be strong, ye that hear in
these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, which were in the
day that the house of The LORD of Hosts was laid, that the temple might
be built, and the bride purged, cleansed, dressed, and prepared to both
speak and write the visions and dawning's of
the great and terrible day that is rapidly moving, even upon My people,
who see it not, nor hasten in their spirit, after My Holy Spirit.
But now, I, The LORD will not be unto My remnant as in the former days.
plague, will come unto their door. Their health will spring forth
supernaturally as if overnight. They will awaken from their sleep,
refreshed, healed and prepared for battle. My seeds shall be prosperous;
My people will know no lack. The vine will yield her fruit and the
ground shall give forth increase in abundance's. My people will arise
from their slumber and will be quickened to the heart beat of My heart.
The fount will pour forth and healing will begin to manifest within My
body, as never before.
people who walk with Me, will know wellness. They will shine forth and
you as My vessels shall shine amongst the darkness of hearts unyielding
and unwilling. The grain bins shall open, and the harvest of
righteousness shall pour forth from the most unlikely vessels.
eyes of the world will behold My Light from within My people, and will
turn away and flee from this light. The world will hate My chosen, as
they hated My Son JESUS, without cause. They will seek and take council
against you. Their council will fall. My words will be as honey comb
upon thy lips, but men will fall back as slain with swords as My words
chasten their darkness’.
is coming the time for roof top shouting out of the mouths of My
prophets and prophetesses. Arise to stand boldly knowing this My truth
offends the sinner. ARISE to boldly walk and speak, fearing only My
repercussion of your fleshly timidity. Arise and walk. Thy slumber has
ended, for men shall come unto thee, as My mouthpieces and will try to
take hold of thee saying, "We have heard that God is with you, and that
you will tell us that which we must do. " Look not upon their wealth nor
set thine heart upon it. Remain, simple, elegant, and obedient unto My
will, says The LORD, GOD ALMIGHTY.
Divine Lordship is not a threat; rather it’s the
place of greatest safety.