Blood Stained America
shared by Suzin McNeill

You have
Me, when will the
begin? It has already begun.
It does not take a
Pearl Harbor or planes flown into twin towers to
declare war. You
look at natural signs and I say take to the airways
and fight.
You cannot
be earthly minded. Eagles soar and I, call your
upwards. America does not have My favor but, it shall know My
chastening warnings and it will turn around. It is in the lull right
before the storm.
Will the storm cripple America? It will be sent
stumbling. Will America rise to stand even upon it's crutches? It will
stand as
those in leadership shout
return unto righteousness, My
country, America return while there is still liberty.
America, I see your banner and see My name upon your money. What shall you say
when I shall drop the hedge of America? Will you praise Me then?
Do you praise Me now from your comfort zones? Will you pray then. Will you
bury your
dead soldiers and repent? America, I long to show you My favor but,
you will not hear Me or My prophets. Take heed America. Listen to
the cries of warning.
Make way for The LORD has come and walked
upon your streets and has seen the abominations within the
temples and
the houses of government. You say you trust in Me, America. We shall
all see when your banner is both torn and
blood stained. 1-27-2003
7:50 pm
JESUS name. Forgive us LORD...
Divine Lordship is not a threat; rather it’s the
place of greatest safety.