The Encumbered Union
shared by Suzin McNeill
dove of christ
My people, I, The LORD call unto thee as your FATHER awaiting in the wings for His daughter / bride to appear. The guests are called in and the solos have been sung. The carpets are rolled down the isle and I am waiting to walk you, My chosen ones. I am waiting just beyond The Door of My church. I am waiting to walk with you, My chosen ones. I am waiting.  You feel the rise of My Anointing within you and in your fleshly excitement you have  becomecumbered about with much doing outside of My expressed will. 

I stand at The Door awaiting you, yet you are treading all around the premises of My sanctuary. You are called and dressed but you are walking at large, occupied with other things, showing your "self" before Me. It is time to walk the isle with Me as your FATHER and I am waiting at The Door of My sanctuary for you to put aside the excitement and your own encumberments and hear My words of wisdom unto you. 

Daughters of Zion, I call you forth and await your arrival. Will you not hear Me and listen to My Fatherly words of wisdom? My sons, it is not about the one in bridal dress who shall come walking in splendor. It is about the oneness in splendor of obeying My will. Perfect oneness... 

Perfect our oneness. Hear Me and put aside all of your planning and you will find Me standing just beyond The Door of My church. Allow time for these moments in which I await thee, before your service.  Be ready, be willing, be waiting for Me and surely you will arise in Me to levels only before seen in vision. My daughters, My sons, I call you to Me to strengthen you through My will. I call you to Me and I find you much encumbered with your own self life. 

Come... let Me speak with you and breathe on you, in new ways. Let Me fill you to overflowing. Shall our hearts become one, and our breathing separate? Come... I give thee new breath for you have run the premises of My churches and have faithfully breathed within the boundaries. Come beyond The Door for the gift that I impart unto you is new breath, in the purest form. I,  bid thee,  come... 

Luke 10:40 Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.

It is not ever in our ability that our FATHER awaits our time of service. It is completely in our FATHER's ability that we are made ready for service. It is not that we are anointed but, that we welcome The Anointing and His abilities that can and will come through us, as we stand in our FATHER's will, being made ready for His service. Our FATHER does not need our flesh in ministry, but our willingness to follow HIM precisely. To take HIS name and to stand at His altar as a prepared bride, we must stand only in the glorification of  the name of JESUS through which there is the remission of all sin. As we wed, will we acccept the name of JESUS as our own? Will we ever be one without HIS name upon us? As our Bridegroom comes, will we take HIS name as our own? 

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Divine Lordship is not a threat; rather it’s the place of greatest safety.