A New
Concept, Selectively...

shared by Suzin McNeill
It's Golden, Immediate Obedience
Years ago I was at my first
home school gathering and a pastor there spoke of a term he used with
children. The term was "immediate obedience" and these two simple, yet
words changed my walk with GOD. I diligently sought His daily
but, now, I was introduced to a new term that called me to
attention and immediate action equaling "immediate
to the expressed will of GOD.
to say, I could
not escape these two words because The Holy Spirit was in deed teaching
me. Through many years its been like I've heard Mary at the wedding
feast saying, "whatsoever HE says unto you, just do it." Then Nike came
along with their ads saying, " just do it." This lesson was before me
daily and even as a
blonde, I got it! Just do it!
days ago at my waking, The Holy Spirit spoke to me about a particular
person that I know and said, he walked in "selective obedience." He
submitted to the will of GOD as it
was pleasing to himself and to his wife. It was wrapped in the cloaking
of we will vote on it and if, we can agree and walk in agreement, we
get back to you. The will of GOD was tentatively penciled
if, nothing else came up. This way of walking was very different
foreign to me. (Praise The LORD!) I had never
this as an option. "Selective obedience"
I pondered this new term. Then, the question
and term free will to choose, seemed to float up from
somewhere. Was this new light or
a new revelation? Free will, I can choose what I want to do. I
be selective in doing the will of GOD. I can be partially
obedient and
do what I want to do with my day and my time in HIS will as I choose to
in selective obedience. I can let my partner vote on this with
and whenever we both don't readily agree, I just don't have to do
Selective obedience and My free
will... I will do what I want to do. I will be a democracy with my
partner and we will religiously agree or else, I'm just free in
selective obedience... Selective obedience in submission to a
democratic vote of agreement, certainly presented a new way of thinking
and walking. This was going to be a new venture of getting my
will and calling it HIS will, s-e-l-e-c-t-i-v-e-l-y! I
would have no problem with this because, I
actually was doing my free will. WOW! Selective obedience was neat,
easy, did not cost, convenient, bendable, adaptable, and seemed very
Then, I heard my FATHER
What part of the cross
should My Son, JESUS have left off? Should He have omitted the stripes
HIS back, for your healing? Should He have not worn the thorn crown for
the healing of your mind? Maybe, He should have only had one hand
pierced for your evil deeds, or one foot nailed to the cross for your
sinful walk, stumbling
in and out of My will? His side was pierced with a sword to bring your
back to Me. Which part of the cross
do you want to selectively omit? Is there an area of His atonement that
you want to delete? What will it take to call My people into My will?
What will it take to bring My army to immediate obedience? Is the blood
of Calvary only for partial submission? Does it not cover all sin?
Where are the areas of your lives where the blood
has not been allowed to flow and cleanse, because you desire to hide in
Why do you keep your secret places, thinking I do not see?
Has the blood of My Son,
JESUS only been selectively poured out for a few? Can you see yourself
before Me, selectively and partially covered with His blood,
selectively washed, and selectively obeying Me?
My eyes weep for the
of My people, Israel.
Turn to Me. Turn away from
your own religious ways and seek My will. Did I send you the
for holiness? Was My Son only partial in the law? What can I say to
as My people, Israel?
REPENT in immediate
obedience... Repent, for I am holy and I have called you as My people
to be holy. Repent and seek My expressed will to do it, in immediate
from a handmaiden
Seek only to do The
will and whatsoever He says unto you, simply do it, in immediate
obedience. Selective obedience is dangerous and brings with it many
curses along with the grieving of
our FATHER'S heart.