Season Of The Day
shared by Suzin McNeill 

dove of christ
Within  the  season  of  the  day  I, The  LORD  speak a clearing  within the spirit realm
 to allow and to speedily gather those whom I have called to stand in obedience. I have hastened My Word for such a little while in the day that is before each of you. Go forth from your churches and gather them in under My name and within My said will. It is not time for the wooing and slow pace that I have walked before. Gather ye in to My house for surely as the earth does turn and the thought of man is evil, the storm of fury is now upon the horizon and nearing each day. 

Can you yield unto the ways of man? I, the LORD say no. Can you yield unto My hastening spirit? I, The LORD say, you better. We are at such a time that it can not be a time of looking back and saying I should have done this... It is the time of the day that by the very unction of the Holy Spirit within you, you know that the day is far spent and evening is within the shadows. You must hear Me and watch. You must listen attentively to the voice of My Holy Spirit and gather into My house those called ones missing.  

Call out to the sea, and see the horizon...for as the sun sets you will not see for the darkness that is before you. Call out to the lost ones to come under My wings of protection, for man in his own natural state, will  rise against those calling by the voice of  My Holiness. Search out My hidden vessels. Call unto the deserts. Call unto those standing alone, and you will call for Me. 

Hear not the ones warring against My servants and soldiers, for they will be thine adversaries and the adversaries of this move of My Holy Spirit. Call unto the old men that dream dreams and they shall affirm My Words. Call unto the crowds prepare ye the way, prepare ye the way for the coming of The LORD. Who stands ready but, those who walk in My Presence, and those who delight in hearing Me? Who stands able but the willing soldier with  both the sword and the Word.  

Rise up My people and hinder not the flowing of My Holy Spirit, for the last day is called and the third wave is released from My throne. Stand ye holy. Stand ye wholly unto Me, seeking only My will expressed through the day. Stand ye ready to serve this day as I command, says The LORD.

Chapter 9, Page 3  > > > next  page 4

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Divine Lordship is not a threat; rather it’s the place of greatest safety.