Of The Morn
shared by Suzin McNeill
is My will for you to draw nearer to ME, for this season is not going to be a smooth road. It is filled with pot holes, puddles, and dips. There is no way to see the path with your natural eyes. The path I call you to, is hidden, within the next step of obedience. Shall you meet ME there? There, we shall talk, you and I. There we shall talk of many things…
Come unto ME, all, who are heavy laden, and I, The LORD will give you rest and repair your tattered armor. Hear ME, and seek ME. Seek to know ME, for I Am
much more than you could ever truly know, but I will reveal myself to you as we walk this road, together. The day is upon us and the battle has yet to rage. Be prepared early for the walk that will prepare you so swiftly that there will be no time to return and finish the work of today, tomorrow. The day has only time for My plans. You will see and hear what those who love ME, cry out for. You will see the heart of MY people. Simply stand, and begin to pray, LORD, We cry out for Your people. I will hear your cries and I will come among you in a mighty way. Surely I, The LORD GOD, will come and strengthen thee or the battles of the morn.
a handmaiden's note ~
Surely, The LORD GOD, will go before us and behind us. HE shall destroy all who offend before HIM. HE is great and mighty in battle. All who sigh against HIM, shall fall asleep, to wake up with only days of fire before them. It is The LORD, Who is our GOD and HE sends us out to battle. We take upon us HIS name, and for the glory of it, we rise as the noonday, standing and singing all glory, all honor, all power to The LAMB.
How can we anticipate the greatness of HIS coming? HE sees us and knows that we are but the dirt of HIS hands yet, HE has broken us, crushed us, and softened us in the warmth of HIS nail scared hands. HE has lifted us to see HIM. Just the glory of HIS passing overwhelms us. Oh LORD, what mighty strength is in Your Hands! Raise us, from this place to a higher place. Help us to walk the path of Your will in JESUS name. Amen.
Isaiah 50:4 The LORD GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: He wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.
by Jeanette A.Wilson
Lay down your
At His feet
All of your
He will meet
Then you will
start to feel
Then you will go
The process to
His yoke is easy,
His load is light
He will give
comfort and rest
He's calling
He will not
All come to
He will not cast
Lay down your
At His feet
Then He can make
Divine Lordship is not a threat; rather it’s the
place of greatest safety.